ANUSAARAKA SYSTEMS: Accessors across Indian languages
Anusaaraka is a computer software which renders text from one Indian
language into another, a sort of machine translation. It produces output which is comprehensible to
the reader, although at times it might not be grammatical. For example,
a Telugu-Hindi anusAraka can take a Telugu text and produce output
in Hindi which can be understood by a Hindi reader, but which is not
fully grammatical. Therefore, the reader will require some amount of
training for reading the output.
Read more about Anusaaraka System
DEVELOPERS : Akshara Bharathi Group at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India and
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
FUNDED BY : Ministry of Information Technology, India
LICENCE : General Public Licence
REMARKS : Available for use over internet as e-mail server.