You can search hindi meaning for a word given in any language such as English, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Punjabi, Bengali. As all computer configuration/software do not support to enter a word in specified language, three choices of coding schemes/fonts are available for entering word.You have to select any one choice and enter a headword for searching in specified dictionary by giving which type of match you want for a word.

For a given headword output will be given along with dictionary page in which output of headword is with bold/underlined format.

For a given headword dictionary output will give its corresponding category and meaning. Different senses of a headword are separated by numbers and arranged according to their frequency of use in the language, with the main or most common meaning given first.


 1.Abbrevations used in the dictionaries
2.Symbols used in the dictionaries
3.Roman alphabetic coding scheme for Indian languages
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