Submission is now closed.
The hard copy of the Copyright Transfer Form can be sent to the following address:
Anil Kumar Singh
Note: In case of any problem with submission through the site, please just send the paper and the details to
Paper submission is through the centralized workshop submission page. Papers have to be written in English. Regular papers can be up to 8 pages long, while the maximum length for short papers is 5 pages (including references, figures, tables etc.).
The papers should be formatted using the LaTeX styles or MS Word templates recommended for the main IJCNLP conference. These documents are available here. Reviewing will be blind. The draft papers should not contain any information that can identify the authors, as far as possible.
Authors are encouraged to study this review form for guidance.
Dual Submission Policy
Dual submission is allowed, provided that:
- You mention on the first page (below the title) where the paper has been dually submitted.
- You let us know as soon as possible if and when you want to withdraw your paper. (You will have to withdraw it from one place if it gets selected in both the places.)
If you have already submitted, you can revise your submission accordingly.