5th IIIT-H Advanced Summer School on NLP (IASNLP-2014) will be held at IIIT Hyderabad from 1st-15th July 2014. It will be a two week school on Natural Language Processing with lectures and project guidance by internationally renowned researchers in the area. The summer school would be project oriented, where each of the participants will choose a project from a list in advance. During the summer school the participants will work, under the supervision of experts in the respective area, to come up with substantial advancement in their chosen project. Participants will get to present their project at a special symposium at the end of the school.
Pre Summer School Session
There will be a 3 day pre school session from 28th June to 30th June for the people who do not have background in Natural Language Processing.
Who can Participate
IASNLP-2014 will be helpful for students and young faculty who are
Familiar with Natural Language Processing and would like to explore further topics in the area to work on advanced projects in NLP which they can continue even after the summer school.
Interested in working on NLP in the Indian Scenario.