A primary source for English-Hindi data provided here is the 'The Students Practical Dictionary', fifth edition, Published by Ram Narain Lal, year 1936.

English-Hindi Dictionary:Version 1.0 which is based on the above dictionary thus became a major source for electronic database of English words and their Hindi meanings. English-Hindi Dictionary: Version 1.0 was released last year. It has about 15000 entries and does not include example sentences. This was completed by the Akshar Bharati Group now based at IIIT, Hyderabad.

Oxford's Advanced Learner's Dictionary has been another major source of reference for English words and their various shades of meaning. For the Hindi meanings a number of English-Hindi dictionaries were referred to. Hardev Bahari's English-Hindi dictionary, Pathak's Advanced English-Hindi dictionary, Father Kamil Bulke's English-Hindi dictionary are to name a few.

Word Net has also been a source for various senses of an English word and its example sentences.