Since the contributors of the database are from varying backgrounds, including school children, the quality of the content is not uniform. There is no claim of excellence in quality. In fact, it needs to be further improved. It is being continously improved. We also look forward to feedback and suggestions by the users for its improvement.
The idea here is to provide a basic electronic lexical database for
English- Hindi which the users can further improve and develop according
to their needs.
An effort has been made to make the entries as complete as
possible. However, a number of entries need elaboration.There are
-- where the headword is given with its grammatical category but does not have either the Hindi meaning or an example sentence. -- which have their Hindi equivalents but no example sentences. -- which have the english headword, its grammatical category, an example to show its semantic content but no Hindi equivalent.
These gaps have yet to be filled. Work is on to complete
the missing pieces of information. Users are invited to join the team
of volunteers engaged in adding to and refining the dictionary. At the
very least you can point out the errors to us.