About Sampark

India has 122 languages of which 22 are designated as constitutionally recognized languages.More than 850 million people world wide speak the following Indian languages: Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil and Urdu. With the availability of e-content and development of language technology, it has become possible to overcome the language barrier. The complexity and diversity of Indian languages present many interesting computational challenges in building automatic translation system.

Sampark is a multipart machine translation system developed with the combined efforts of 11 under the umbrella of consortium project “ Indian language to India Language Machine translation” (ILMT) funded by TDIL program of Dept of IT, Govt. of India. ILMT project has developed language technology for 9 Indian languages resulting in MT for 18 language pairs. These are: 14 bi-directional between Hindi and Urdu / Punjabi / Telugu / Bengali / Tamil / Marathi / Kannada and 4 bidirectional between Tamil and Malayalam / Telugu.

To see demo of ILMT (for languages Hindi->Urdu,Punjabi;Punjabi,Urdu->Hindi) please click here.