We'd like to thank all the current dependency treebank annotators/validators; without their effort this would not have been possible.
Hindi:      Ms. Preeti Pradhan, Ms. Nandini Upasani, Mr. Samar Husain, Ms. Rafiya Begum, Dr. Dipti Misra Sharma, Telugu:   Mr. Sudheer Kolachina, Mr. Phani Gadde, Mr. Meher Vijay, Bangla:   Dr. Soma Paul.
Thanks are also due to Anita Chaturvedi, Sarita Shrivastav, Alpana Agarwal and Kiran Kapoor who have worked on other layers of the treebank. Preeti Shukla, Susanta Kishore, Viswanath Naidu, Bharat Ambati, and others have previously worked
on the treebank development. Many thanks to Dr. Anil Kumar Singh for providing the 'Sanchay' syntactic annotation platform. We would also like to thank Mr. Abhijeet Gupta for providing the necessary web support.
Many thanks to Dr. Dipti Misra Sharma, Dr. Lakshmi Bai and Dr. Rajeev Sangal, who were instrumental in taking various crucial decisions.
Thanks to all the reviewers for spending their valuable time on the reviews.
Finally, thanks to all the participants for their wonderful effort.
The Hindi treebank annotation is supported by the NSF grant (Award Number: CNS 0751202; CFDA Number: 47.070). Please note that the Hindi treebank is part of a developing treebank and is not yet publicly released.
The final release version of all the treebanks might have some differences from the ones released for the contest.