<author firstname="" middlename="" lastname=""/> <availability format="electronic"/> <bibl></bibl> <bytecount></bytecount> <domain name=""> <subdomain name=""/> </domain> <creation creationdate="" institutename=""> <creatorname firstname="" middlename="" lastname=""/> </creation> <distributor></distributor> <edition number=""/> <encodingdesc newencoding="" originalencoding=""/> <sentencemarker marker=""/> <language name="" writingsystem="" script=""/> <normalization normalized="" utilityname=""/> <projectdesc name=""/> <pubaddress addresstype=""/> <pubdate date=""/> <publicationstmt type=""/> <publisher name="" address="" url=""/> <pubplace place=""/> <translation number="" availability="" translations="" institutename="" language="" writingsystem=""> <translator firstname="" middlename="" lastname=""/> </translation> <wordcount><wordcount/> <OriginalFileName> </OriginalFileName> </meta> <body> <p> <Sentence id="1"> 1 Jaipur NNP 2 , , 3 popularly RB <af=popularly,D,m,s,3,0,,> 4 known VBN <af=know,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 5 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 Pink NN <af=pink,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 City NNP <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 , , 10 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 capital NN <af=capital,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 Rajasthan IN 15 state NN <af=state,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 , , 17 India NNP 18 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="2"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 palace NN <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 5 built VBN <af=build,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 6 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 Maharaja NNP <af=maharajah,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 Jai NNP <af=jai,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Singh NNP 10 II NNP 11 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 12 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 13 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 synthesis NN <af=synthesis,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 Mughal NNP 17 & CC 18 Rajasthani NNP 19 architecture NN <af=architecture,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="3"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Amber NNP <af=amber,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 fort NN <af=fort,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 complex NN <af=complex,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 6 several JJ <af=several,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 apartments NNS <af=apartment,n,m,p,3,0,,> 8 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 palaces NNS <af=palace,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 , , 11 halls NNS <af=hall,n,m,p,3,0,,> 12 , , 13 stairways NNP <af=stairway,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 , , 15 pillared VBD <af=pillar,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 16 pavilions NNS <af=pavilion,n,m,p,3,0,,> 17 , , 18 gardens NNS <af=garden,n,m,p,3,0,,> 19 & CC 20 temples NNS <af=temple,n,m,p,3,0,,> 21 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="4"> 1 Amber NNP <af=amber,n,m,s,3,0,,> 2 palace NN <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 classic JJ <af=classic,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 example NN <af=example,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 Mughal NNP 9 & CC 10 Hindu NNP 11 architecture NN <af=architecture,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="5"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Jal NNP 3 Mahal NNP 4 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 picturesque JJ <af=picturesque,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 palace NN <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 built VBN <af=build,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 9 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 royal JJ <af=royal,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 duck NN <af=duck,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 shooting NN <af=shoot,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 13 parties NNS <af=party,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="6"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 best JJS <af=good,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 3 time NN <af=time,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 visit VB <af=visit,v,m,s,3,0,,> 6 Jaipur NNP 7 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 9 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 between IN <af=between,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 October NNP 12 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 March NNP <af=march,n,m,s,3,0,,> 14 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="7"> 1 Rajasthan IN 2 State NNP <af=state,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 Transport NNP <af=transport,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Corporation NNP <af=corporation,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 (RSTC) -RRB- 6 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 7 bus NN <af=bus,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 services NNS <af=services,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 all DT <af=all,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 major JJ <af=major,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 13 destinations NNS <af=destination,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 north NN <af=north,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 India NNP 17 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="8"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 18th JJ 3 century NN <af=century,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Bharatpur VB 5 Bird JJ <af=bird,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 Sanctuary NN <af=sanctuary,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 , , 8 which WDT <af=which,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 10 also RB <af=also,D,m,s,3,0,,> 11 known VBN <af=know,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 12 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 Keoladeo NNP 15 Ghana NNP 16 National NNP <af=national,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 park NN <af=park,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="9"> 1 Lohagarh NNP 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 also RB <af=also,D,m,s,3,0,,> 4 known VBN <af=know,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 5 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 Iron NNP <af=iron,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 fort NN <af=fort,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 , , 10 Lohagarh WDT 11 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 12 one CD <af=one,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 major JJ <af=major,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 historical JJ <af=historical,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 attractions NNS <af=attraction,n,m,p,3,0,,> 18 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 Bharatpur NNP 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="10"> 1 A DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 beautiful JJ <af=beautiful,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 garden NN <af=garden,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 , , 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 Nehru NNP 7 Park NNP <af=park,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 , , 9 lies VBZ <af=lie,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 10 close RB <af=close,D,m,s,3,0,,> 11 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 Bharatpur NNP 14 museum NN <af=museum,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="11"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 best JJS <af=good,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 3 time NN <af=time,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 visit VB <af=visit,v,m,s,3,0,,> 6 Bharatpur NNP 7 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 8 during IN <af=during,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 months NNS <af=month,n,m,p,3,0,,> 11 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 October NNP 13 , , 14 November NNP 15 , , 16 February NNP 17 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 March NNP <af=march,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="12"> 1 Centrally RB <af=centrally,D,m,s,3,0,,> 2 located VBN <af=locate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 3 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 western JJ <af=western,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 part NN <af=part,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 state NN <af=state,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Rajasthan IN 11 , , 12 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 Jodhpur NNP 14 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 16 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 17 second JJ <af=second,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 largest JJS <af=large,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 19 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 21 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 22 state NN <af=state,n,m,s,3,0,,> 23 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 24 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 25 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 26 popular JJ <af=popular,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 27 tourist NN <af=tourist,n,m,s,3,0,,> 28 destination NN <af=destination,n,m,s,3,0,,> 29 offering NN <af=offering,n,m,s,3,0,,> 30 palaces NNS <af=palace,n,m,p,3,0,,> 31 , , 32 forts NNS <af=fort,n,m,p,3,0,,> 33 & CC 34 temples NNS <af=temple,n,m,p,3,0,,> 35 , , 36 worth IN <af=worth,n,m,s,3,0,,> 37 visiting VBG <af=visit,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 38 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="13"> 1 Also RB <af=also,D,m,s,3,0,,> 2 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 3 museum NN <af=museum,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 inside IN <af=inside,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 Mehrangarh NNP 7 Fort NNP <af=fort,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 9 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 rich JJ <af=rich,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 collection NN <af=collection,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 miniatures NNS <af=miniature,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 , , 15 musical JJ <af=musical,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 instruments NNS <af=instrument,n,m,p,3,0,,> 17 , , 18 costumes NNS <af=costume,n,m,p,3,0,,> 19 , , 20 armoury NNP <af=armoury,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 etc NN 22 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="14"> 1 Mehrangarh NNP 2 Fort NNP <af=fort,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 seven CD <af=seven,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 gates NNS <af=gate,n,m,p,3,0,,> 6 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 provides VBZ <af=provide,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 8 wonderful JJ <af=wonderful,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 9 views NNS <af=view,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="15"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Marwar JJ 3 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 main JJ <af=main,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 festival NN <af=festival,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 takes VBZ <af=take,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 8 place NN <af=place,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 month NN <af=month,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 October NNP 13 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="16"> 1 Jodhpur NNP 2 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 4 own JJ <af=own,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 airport NN <af=airport,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 which WDT <af=which,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 8 connected VBN <af=connect,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 9 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Jaipur VB 11 , , 12 Delhi NNP 13 , , 14 Udaipur NNP 15 , , 16 Mumbai NNP 17 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 some DT <af=some,det,m,s,3,0,,> 19 other JJ <af=other,D,m,s,3,0,,> 20 major JJ <af=major,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 cities NNS <af=city,n,m,p,3,0,,> 22 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="17"> 1 Located VBN <af=locate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 2 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 distance NN <af=distance,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 16 CD 7 km NN 8 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Jaisalmer NNP 10 , , 11 Lodurva NNP 12 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 13 ancient JJ <af=ancient,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 14 capital NN <af=capital,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 Jaisalmer NNP 17 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="18"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 beauty NN <af=beauty,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Thar NNP <af=thar,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Desert NNP <af=desert,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 7 best RB <af=best,D,m,s,3,0,,> 8 described VBN <af=describe,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 9 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 help NN <af=help,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 Sam NNP 14 Sand NNP <af=sand,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 Dunes NNPS <af=dune,n,m,p,3,0,,> 16 , , 17 located VBN <af=locate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 18 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 20 distance NN <af=distance,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 22 42 CD 23 km NN 24 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 25 Jaisalmer NNP 26 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="19"> 1 Hundreds NNS <af=hundred,n,m,p,3,0,,> 2 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 thousands NNS <af=thousand,n,m,p,3,0,,> 4 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 visitors NNS <af=visitor,n,m,p,3,0,,> 6 come VBP <af=come,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 7 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 Rajasthan IN 9 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 witness NN <af=witness,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 Sam NNP 12 Sand NNP <af=sand,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 Dunes's NNP 14 wonderful JJ <af=wonderful,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 artistic JJ <af=artistic,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 view NN <af=view,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 19 nature NN <af=nature,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 22 place NN <af=place,n,m,s,3,0,,> 23 can MD <af=can,v,m,s,3,0,,> 24 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 25 best RB <af=best,D,m,s,3,0,,> 26 covered VBN <af=cover,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 27 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 28 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 29 help NN <af=help,n,m,s,3,0,,> 30 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 31 camel NNP <af=camel,n,m,s,3,0,,> 32 safari NNP <af=safari,n,m,s,3,0,,> 33 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="20"> 1 Constructed VBN <af=construct,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 2 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 pattern NN <af=pattern,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 apartments NNS <af=apartment,n,m,p,3,0,,> 7 , , 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Amar NNP 10 Sagar NNP 11 haveli NNP 12 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 13 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 five CD <af=five,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 story NN <af=storey,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 high JJ <af=high,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 haveli NNP 18 adorned VBD <af=adorn,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 19 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 20 beautiful JJ <af=beautiful,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 painted JJ <af=paint,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 22 murals NNS <af=mural,n,m,p,3,0,,> 23 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="21"> 1 Udaipur NNP 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 situated VBN <af=situated,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 4 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 southern JJ <af=southern,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 part NN <af=part,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Rajasthan NNP 10 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 surrounded VBN <af=surround,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 12 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 Aravalli NNP 15 range NN <af=range,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="22"> 1 City NNP <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Palace NNP <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 situated VBN <af=situated,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 5 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 banks NNS <af=bank,n,m,p,3,0,,> 8 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Lake NNP <af=lake,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Pichola NNP 11 , , 12 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 magnificant JJ 14 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 inspiring JJ <af=inspire,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 16 citadel NN <af=citadel,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 designed VBN <af=design,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 18 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 20 help NN <af=help,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 22 mirror NN <af=mirror,n,m,s,3,0,,> 23 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 24 glass NN <af=glass,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 works NNS <af=works,n,m,s,3,0,,> 26 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="23"> 1 A DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 part NN <af=part,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 City NNP <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Palace NNP <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 7 now RB <af=now,D,m,s,3,0,,> 8 converted VBN <af=convert,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 9 into IN <af=into,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 museum NN <af=museum,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 that IN <af=that,Comp,m,s,3,0,,> 13 displays NNS <af=display,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 some DT <af=some,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 17 best JJS <af=good,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 18 forms NNS <af=forme,n,m,p,3,0,,> 19 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 20 art NN <af=art,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 22 culture NN <af=culture,n,m,s,3,0,,> 23 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="24"> 1 Shilpagram NNP 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 designed VBN <af=design,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 4 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 concept NN <af=concept,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 village NN <af=village,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 little JJ <af=little,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 emphasis NN <af=emphasis,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 modern JJ <af=modern,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 concept NN <af=concept,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="25"> 1 September NNP 2 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 March NNP <af=march,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 best JJS <af=good,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 7 season NN <af=season,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 visit VB <af=visit,v,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Udaipur NNP 11 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="26"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 royal JJ <af=royal,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Bikaner NNP 5 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 6 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 timeless JJ <af=timeless,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 charm NN <af=charm,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 like IN <af=like,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 no DT <af=no,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 other JJ <af=other,D,m,s,3,0,,> 12 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="27"> 1 Bikaner NNP 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 also RB <af=also,D,m,s,3,0,,> 4 one CD <af=one,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 major JJ <af=major,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 hub NN <af=hub,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 tourists NNS <af=tourist,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 looking VBG <af=look,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 11 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 an DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 adventurous JJ <af=adventurous,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 14 Camel NNP <af=camel,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 ride NN <af=ride,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 , , 17 which WDT <af=which,det,m,s,3,0,,> 18 gives VBZ <af=give,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 19 an DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 20 insight NNP <af=insight,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 into IN <af=into,p,m,s,3,0,,> 22 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 23 exquisite JJ <af=exquisite,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 24 lifestyle NN 25 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 26 remote JJ <af=remote,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 27 Rajasthan IN 28 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="28"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Rajasthan IN 3 Tourism NNP <af=tourism,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Development NNP <af=development,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Corporation NNP <af=corporation,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 (RTDC) -RRB- 7 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 8 converted VBN <af=convert,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 9 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 portion NN <af=portion,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 Lalgarh NNP 13 Palace NNP <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 14 into IN <af=into,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 hotel NN <af=hotel,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="29"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Bhandeshwar NN 3 & CC 4 Sandeshwar NN 5 Temple NNP <af=temple,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 were VBD <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 7 built VBN <af=build,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 8 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 two CD <af=two,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 brothers NNS <af=brother,n,m,p,3,0,,> 11 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 12 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 13 dedicated VBN <af=dedicate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 14 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 Jain VB 16 Teerthankar NNP 17 , , 18 Parsvanathji NNP 19 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="30"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Ganga NNP 3 Golden NNP <af=golden,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Jubilee NNP <af=jubilee,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Museum NNP <af=museum,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 7 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 large JJ <af=large,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 9 collection NN <af=collection,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 pottery NN <af=pottery,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 , , 13 paintings NNS <af=painting,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 , , 15 carpets NNS <af=carpet,n,m,p,3,0,,> 16 , , 17 coins NNS <af=coin,n,m,p,3,0,,> 18 , , 19 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 20 armory NN <af=armoury,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="31"> 1 Gaumukh NNP 2 Temple NNP <af=temple,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 dedicated VBN <af=dedicate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 5 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 Lord NNP <af=lord,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 Rama NNP 8 , , 9 this DT <af=this,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 small JJ <af=small,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 temple NN <af=temple,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 13 situated VBN <af=situated,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 14 4 CD 15 kms NNS 16 south RB <af=south,D,m,s,3,0,,> 17 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 Mount NNP <af=mount,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 Abu NNP 20 , , 21 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 22 derived VBD <af=derive,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 23 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 24 name NN <af=name,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 26 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 27 natural JJ <af=natural,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 28 spring NN <af=spring,n,m,s,3,0,,> 29 flowing VBG <af=flow,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 30 through IN <af=through,p,m,s,3,0,,> 31 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 32 mouth NN <af=mouth,n,m,s,3,0,,> 33 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 34 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 35 marble NN <af=marble,n,m,s,3,0,,> 36 cow NNP <af=cow,n,m,s,3,0,,> 37 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="32"> 1 Nakki NNP 2 Lake NNP <af=lake,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 , , 4 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 an DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 artificial JJ <af=artificial,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 lake NN <af=lake,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 9 located VBN <af=locate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 10 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 heart NN <af=heart,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 town NN <af=town,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 18 surrounded VBN <af=surround,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 19 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 20 scenic JJ <af=scenic,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 hills NNS <af=hill,n,m,p,3,0,,> 22 , , 23 beautiful JJ <af=beautiful,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 24 parks NNS <af=park,n,m,p,3,0,,> 25 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 26 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 27 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 28 must MD <af=must,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 29 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="33"> 1 Camel NNP <af=camel,n,m,s,3,0,,> 2 safari NNP <af=safari,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 could MD <af=could,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 best JJS <af=good,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 7 choice NN <af=choice,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 adventure-seeking NN <af=adventure,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 tourists NNS <af=tourist,n,m,p,3,0,,> 12 moving VBG <af=move,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 13 around IN <af=around,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 interiors NNS <af=interior,n,m,p,3,0,,> 16 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 Thar NNP <af=thar,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 desert NN <af=desert,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 , , 20 witnessing VBG <af=witness,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 21 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 22 cities NNS <af=city,n,m,p,3,0,,> 23 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 24 historical JJ <af=historical,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 25 ruins NNS <af=ruin,n,m,p,3,0,,> 26 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 27 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 28 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 29 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="34"> 1 Untouched NN <af=untouched,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 2 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 human JJ <af=human,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 5 skills NNS <af=skill,n,m,p,3,0,,> 6 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 behaviors NNS <af=behaviour,n,m,p,3,0,,> 8 , , 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Sand NNP <af=sand,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 Dunes NNPS <af=dune,n,m,p,3,0,,> 12 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 Rajasthan NNP 14 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 15 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 perfect JJ <af=perfect,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 gift NN <af=gift,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 nature NN <af=nature,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 that WDT <af=that,det,m,s,3,0,,> 21 presents VBZ <af=present,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 22 magical JJ <af=magical,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 23 view NN <af=view,n,m,s,3,0,,> 24 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 25 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 26 desert NN <af=desert,n,m,s,3,0,,> 27 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="35"> 1 One CD <af=one,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 ten JJ <af=ten,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 most RBS <af=most,D,m,s,3,0,,> 6 luxurious JJ <af=luxurious,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 trains NNS <af=train,n,m,p,3,0,,> 8 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 world NN <af=world,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 , , 12 Palace NNP <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 On IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 Wheels NNP <af=wheel,n,m,p,3,0,,> 15 could MD <af=could,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 16 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 17 described VBN <af=describe,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 18 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 20 pride NN <af=pride,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 22 India NNP 23 known VBN <af=know,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 24 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 25 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 26 wonderful JJ <af=wonderful,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 27 , , 28 unparallel NN 29 , , 30 unforgettable JJ <af=unforgettable,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 31 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 32 unique JJ <af=unique,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 33 style NN <af=style,n,m,s,3,0,,> 34 onboard NN 35 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="36"> 1 Panipat DT 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 situated VBN <af=situated,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 4 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 banks NNS <af=bank,n,m,p,3,0,,> 7 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 river NN <af=river,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Yamuna NN 11 , , 12 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 13 here RB <af=here,D,m,s,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 three CD <af=three,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 historical JJ <af=historical,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 battles NNS <af=battle,n,m,p,3,0,,> 18 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 Panipat NNP 20 were VBD <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 21 fought VBN <af=fight,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 22 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="37"> 1 Bengal NNP 2 Tiger NNP <af=tiger,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 fastest JJS <af=fast,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 6 running NN <af=running,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 animal NN <af=animal,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="38"> 1 If IN <af=if,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 2 you PRP <af=you,P,m,s,2,0,,/case='NOM'> 3 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 4 fascinated VBN <af=fascinate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 5 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 royal JJ <af=royal,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 Bengal JJ 9 tiger NNP <af=tiger,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 wish NN <af=wish,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 see VB <af=see,v,m,s,3,0,,> 14 it PRP <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='NOM'> 15 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 17 natural JJ <af=natural,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 surroundings NNS <af=surroundings,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 , , 20 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 21 visit NN <af=visit,n,m,s,3,0,,> 22 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 these DT <af=these,det,m,s,3,0,,> 24 tiger NNP <af=tiger,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 reserves NNS <af=reserve,n,m,p,3,0,,> 26 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 27 bound VBN <af=bound,v,m,s,3,0,,> 28 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 29 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 30 an DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 31 enchanting VBG <af=enchant,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 32 one NN <af=one,n,m,s,3,0,,> 33 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="39"> 1 Since IN <af=since,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 age's POS <af=age,n,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 3 humans NNS 4 have VBP <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,> 5 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 lust NNP <af=lust,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 deep JJ <af=deep,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 their PRP$ <af=their,det,m,p,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 10 heart NN <af=heart,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 fly VB <af=fly,v,m,s,3,0,,> 13 like IN <af=like,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 bird NN <af=bird,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 18 vast JJ <af=vast,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 19 blue JJ <af=blue,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 20 sky NN <af=sky,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 , , 22 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 some DT <af=some,det,m,s,3,0,,> 24 extent NN <af=extent,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 we PRP <af=we,P,m,p,1,0,,/case='NOM'> 26 humans NNS 27 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 28 able JJ <af=able,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 29 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 30 quench VB <af=quench,v,m,s,3,0,,> 31 our PRP$ <af=our,det,m,p,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 32 this NN <af=this,n,m,s,3,0,,> 33 thrust NN <af=thrust,n,m,s,3,0,,> 34 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 35 taking VBG <af=take,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 36 up IN <af=up,p,m,s,3,0,,> 37 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 38 adventure NN <af=adventure,n,m,s,3,0,,> 39 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 40 aero-sport NN <af=aero,n,m,s,3,0,,> 41 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 42 fly VB <af=fly,v,m,s,3,0,,> 43 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 44 open JJ <af=open,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 45 skies NNS <af=sky,n,m,p,3,0,,> 46 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="40"> 1 Visitors NNS <af=visitor,n,m,p,3,0,,> 2 coming VBG <af=come,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 3 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Agra NNP 5 will MD <af=will,v,m,s,3,0,,> 6 definitely RB <af=definitely,D,m,s,3,0,,> 7 take VB <af=take,v,m,s,3,0,,> 8 one CD <af=one,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 along IN <af=along,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 him PRP <af=him,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='ACC'> 12 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 preserve VB <af=preserve,v,m,s,3,0,,> 14 Taj NNP <af=taj,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 their PRP$ <af=their,det,m,p,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 17 memories NNS <af=memory,n,m,p,3,0,,> 18 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="41"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 majestic NNP <af=majestic,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 Ashoka NNP 4 pillar NN <af=pillar,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 records NNS <af=record,n,m,p,3,0,,> 6 visit NN <af=visit,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 emperor NN <af=emperor,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Ashoka NNP 10 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 Sarnath NNP 12 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="42"> 1 It PRP <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='NOM'> 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 India NNP 4 where WRB <af=where,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Polo NNP <af=polo,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 game NN <af=game,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 kings NNS <af=kingbolt,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 11 rediscovered VBN 12 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 13 nurtured VBD <af=nurture,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 14 since IN <af=since,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 medieval JJ <af=medieval,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 times NNS <af=time,n,m,p,3,0,,> 18 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="43"> 1 Spend VB <af=spend,v,m,s,3,0,,> 2 lazy JJ <af=lazy,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 evenings NNS <af=evening,n,m,p,3,0,,> 4 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 bed NN <af=bed,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 or CC <af=or,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 swing NN <af=swing,v,m,s,3,0,,> 8 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 folk NN <af=folk,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 dances NNS <af=dance,n,m,p,3,0,,> 12 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="44"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 terrain NN <af=terrane,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 that IN <af=that,Comp,m,s,3,0,,> 4 India NNP 5 provides VBZ <af=provide,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 6 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 deserts NNS <af=desert,n,m,p,3,0,,> 9 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 beaches NNS <af=beach,n,m,p,3,0,,> 12 , , 13 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 mountains NNS <af=mountain,n,m,p,3,0,,> 16 tests NNS <af=test,n,m,p,3,0,,> 17 not RB <af=not,D,m,s,3,0,,> 18 only RB <af=only,D,m,s,3,0,,> 19 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 20 skills NNS <af=skill,n,m,p,3,0,,> 21 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 22 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 23 realists NNS <af=realist,n,m,p,3,0,,> 24 but CC <af=but,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 25 also RB <af=also,D,m,s,3,0,,> 26 their PRP$ <af=their,det,m,p,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 27 mettle NN <af=mettle,n,m,s,3,0,,> 28 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="45"> 1 Indian NNP 2 Narain NNP 3 Kartikeyan NNP 4 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 already RB <af=already,D,m,s,3,0,,> 6 made VBD <af=make,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 7 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 name NN <af=name,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 himself PRP <af=himself,P,m,s,3,0,,> 11 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 high JJ <af=high,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 14 speed NN <af=speed,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 world NN <af=world,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 motor NN <af=motor,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 racing.Indian NNP 19 Narain NNP 20 Kartikeyan NNP 21 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 22 already RB <af=already,D,m,s,3,0,,> 23 made VBD <af=make,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 24 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 25 name NN <af=name,n,m,s,3,0,,> 26 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 27 himself PRP <af=himself,P,m,s,3,0,,> 28 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 29 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 30 high JJ <af=high,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 31 speed NN <af=speed,n,m,s,3,0,,> 32 world NN <af=world,n,m,s,3,0,,> 33 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 34 motor NN <af=motor,n,m,s,3,0,,> 35 racing NN <af=racing,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 36 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="46"> 1 All DT <af=all,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 expeditions NNS <af=expedition,n,m,p,3,0,,> 3 , , 4 whether IN <af=whether,Comp,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Indian NNP 6 , , 7 foreign JJ <af=foreign,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 , , 9 or CC <af=or,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 10 joint JJ <af=joint,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 , , 12 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 13 required VBN <af=require,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 14 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 apply VB <af=apply,v,m,p,3,0,,> 16 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 18 IMF NNP 19 , , 20 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 21 least JJS <af=least,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 22 six CD <af=six,det,m,s,3,0,,> 23 months NNS <af=month,n,m,p,3,0,,> 24 prior RB <af=prior,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 26 departure NN <af=departure,n,m,s,3,0,,> 27 , , 28 so RB <af=so,D,m,s,3,0,,> 29 that IN <af=that,Comp,m,s,3,0,,> 30 all DT <af=all,det,m,s,3,0,,> 31 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 32 formalities NNS <af=formality,n,m,p,3,0,,> 33 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 34 completed VBN <af=complete,v,m,p,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 35 within IN <af=within,p,m,s,3,0,,> 36 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 37 time NN <af=time,n,m,s,3,0,,> 38 frame NN <af=frame,n,m,s,3,0,,> 39 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="47"> 1 Babar NNP 2 , , 3 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 founder NN <af=founder,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 Mughal JJ 8 dynasty NN <af=dynasty,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 15th JJ 12 century NN <af=century,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 , , 14 firmly RB <af=firmly,D,m,s,3,0,,> 15 established VBN <af=establish,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 16 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 17 popularity NN <af=popularity,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 Polo NNP <af=polo,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="48"> 1 Fortunately RB <af=fortunately,D,m,s,3,0,,> 2 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 world NN <af=world,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 , , 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 game NN <af=game,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 Polo NNP <af=polo,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 survived VBD <af=survive,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 10 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 few JJ <af=few,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 13 remote JJ <af=remote,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 14 mountainous JJ <af=mountainous,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 enclaves NNS <af=enclave,n,m,p,3,0,,> 16 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 18 subcontinent NN <af=subcontinent,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 , , 20 notably RB <af=notably,D,m,s,3,0,,> 21 Gilgit JJ 22 , , 23 Chitral NNP 24 , , 25 Ladakh NNP 26 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 27 Manipur NNP 28 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="49"> 1 As IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 3 climber NN <af=climber,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 , , 5 you PRP <af=you,P,m,s,2,0,,/case='NOM'> 6 cannot RB <af=can,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 7 afford VB <af=afford,v,m,s,3,0,,> 8 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 suffer VB <af=suffer,v,m,s,3,0,,> 10 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 vertigo NNP <af=vertigo,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 or CC <af=or,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 13 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 lapse NN <af=lapse,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 judgment NN <af=judgment,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="50"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Andamans NNS 3 have VBP <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,> 4 some DT <af=some,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 fascinating JJ <af=fascinating,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 underwater JJ <af=underwater,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 marine JJ <af=marine,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 life NN <af=life,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 , , 10 varieties NNS <af=variety,n,m,p,3,0,,> 11 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 colorful JJ <af=colorful,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 13 fishes NNS <af=fish,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 , , 15 shipwrecks NNS <af=shipwreck,n,m,p,3,0,,> 16 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 exotic JJ <af=exotic,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 coral JJ <af=coral,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 19 reefs NNS <af=reef,n,m,p,3,0,,> 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="51"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 usual JJ <af=usual,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 season NN <af=season,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 late JJ <af=late,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 December NNP 7 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 early JJ <af=early,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 9 March NNP <af=march,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 , , 11 depending VBG <af=depend,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 12 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 snow NN <af=snow,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 conditions NNS <af=condition,n,m,p,3,0,,> 16 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="52"> 1 Routes NNS <af=route,n,m,p,3,0,,> 2 should MD <af=should,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 4 carefully RB <af=carefully,D,m,s,3,0,,> 5 chosen VBN <af=choose,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 6 , , 7 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 some DT <af=some,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 treks NNS <af=trek,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 may MD <af=may,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 11 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 12 more RBR <af=more,D,m,s,3,0,,> 13 difficult JJ <af=difficult,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 14 , , 15 or CC <af=or,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 may MD <af=may,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 17 involve VB <af=involve,v,m,s,3,0,,> 18 high JJ <af=high,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 19 altitude NN <af=altitude,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 trekking NN <af=trek,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 21 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="53"> 1 Running NN <af=running,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 2 water NN <af=water,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 should MD <af=should,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 5 used VBN <af=use,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 6 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 washing VBG <af=wash,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 8 , , 9 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 10 washing VBG <af=wash,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 11 should MD <af=should,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 12 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 13 done VBN <af=do,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 14 well RB <af=well,D,m,s,3,0,,> 15 downstream JJ <af=downstream,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 campsites NNS 18 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="54"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 innumerable JJ <af=innumerable,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 fresh JJ <af=fresh,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 4 water NN <af=water,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 streams NNS <af=stream,n,m,p,3,0,,> 6 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 lakes NNS <af=lake,n,m,p,3,0,,> 8 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Jammu NNP 10 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 Kashmir NNP <af=kashmir,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 , , 13 Himachal JJ 14 Pradesh NNP 15 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 Uttar NNP 17 Pradesh NNP 18 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 19 ideal NN <af=ideal,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 21 angling NN <af=angling,n,m,s,3,0,,> 22 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 23 trout NNS <af=trout,n,m,s,3,0,,> 24 fishing NN <af=fishing,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="55"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 islands NNS <af=island,n,m,p,3,0,,> 3 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Andaman NNP 5 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 Nicobar NNP 7 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Bay NNP <af=bayberry,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 Bengal JJ 12 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 13 Lakshadweep NN 14 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 Indian NNP 17 Ocean NNP <af=ocean,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 19 virtually RB <af=virtually,D,m,s,3,0,,> 20 untouched VBN <af=untouched,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 22 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 23 some DT <af=some,det,m,s,3,0,,> 24 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 25 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 26 best JJS <af=good,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 27 spots NNS <af=spot,n,m,p,3,0,,> 28 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 29 scuba NNP <af=scuba,n,m,s,3,0,,> 30 diving NN <af=diving,n,m,s,3,0,,> 31 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 32 snorkeling NN <af=snorkel,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 33 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="56"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 rivers NNS <af=river,n,m,p,3,0,,> 3 like IN <af=like,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Sutlej NNP 6 , , 7 Beas NNS 8 (in IN 9 Himachal JJ 10 Pradesh) -RRB- 11 , , 12 Teetsa NNP 13 (in NNP 14 Sikkim) -RRB- 15 , , 16 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 Yamuna NN 18 also RB <af=also,D,m,s,3,0,,> 19 offer VB <af=offer,v,m,s,3,0,,> 20 sporting NN <af=sporting,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 challenges NNS <af=challenge,n,m,p,3,0,,> 22 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="57"> 1 In IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Garhwal NN 3 region NN <af=region,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 sacred JJ <af=sacred,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 river NN <af=river,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 Ganga NNP 8 offers VBZ <af=offer,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 professional JJ <af=professional,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 well RB <af=well,D,m,s,3,0,,> 13 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 amateur JJ <af=amateur,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 17 exhilaration NN <af=exhilaration,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 white JJ <af=white,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 20 water NN <af=water,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 rafting VBG <af=raft,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 22 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="58"> 1 Down IN <af=down,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 river NN <af=river,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Devprayag NN 5 , , 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 Ganga NNP 8 changes NNS <af=change,n,m,p,3,0,,> 9 into IN <af=into,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 pool NN <af=pool,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 drop NN <af=drop,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 river NN <af=river,n,m,s,3,0,,> 14 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="59"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 background NN <af=background,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 not RB <af=not,D,m,s,3,0,,> 5 constant; : <af=constant,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 it PRP <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='NOM'> 7 changes VBZ <af=change,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 8 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 9 color NN <af=colour,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 texture NN <af=texture,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 more RBR <af=more,D,m,s,3,0,,> 13 than IN <af=than,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 often RB <af=often,D,m,s,3,0,,> 15 , , 16 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 18 Taj NNP <af=taj,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 20 always RB <af=always,D,m,s,3,0,,> 21 presented VBN <af=present,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 22 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 24 variety NN <af=variety,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 26 tints NNS <af=tint,n,m,p,3,0,,> 27 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 28 moods NNS <af=mood,n,m,p,3,0,,> 29 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="60"> 1 An DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 ethereal NN <af=ethereal,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 quality NN <af=quality,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 full JJ <af=full,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 5 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 lightness NN <af=lightness,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 grace NN <af=grace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="61"> 1 These DT <af=these,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 rooms NNS <af=room,n,m,p,3,0,,> 3 were VBD <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 4 originally RB <af=originally,D,m,s,3,0,,> 5 used VBN <af=use,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 6 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 mullahs NNS 9 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 chant NN <af=chant,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 Koran NNP 13 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 14 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 Musicians NNS <af=musician,n,m,p,3,0,,> 16 who WP <af=who,P,m,s,3,0,,> 17 played VBD <af=play,v,m,p,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 18 soft JJ <af=soft,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 19 Indians NNPS 20 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 Persian NNP 22 melodies NNS <af=melody,n,m,p,3,0,,> 23 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="62"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 assimilation NN <af=assimilation,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 different JJ <af=different,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 5 styles NNS <af=style,n,m,p,3,0,,> 6 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 7 given VBN <af=give,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 buildings NNS <af=building,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 within IN <af=within,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 fort NN <af=fort,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 distinctive JJ <af=distinctive,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 look NN <af=look,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="63"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 festivities NNS <af=festivity,n,m,p,3,0,,> 3 commence NN <af=commence,v,m,s,3,0,,> 4 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 spectacular JJ <af=spectacular,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 procession NN <af=procession,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 inspired VBN <af=inspire,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 9 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Mughal JJ 11 splendor NN <af=splendour,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="64"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Agra NNP 3 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 abounds VBZ <af=abound,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 restaurants NNS <af=restaurant,n,m,p,3,0,,> 7 , , 8 which WDT <af=which,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 offer VBP <af=offer,v,m,s,3,0,,> 10 international JJ <af=international,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 12 Indian JJ 13 cuisines NNS <af=cuisine,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="65"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 construction NN <af=construction,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 Taj NNP <af=taj,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Mahal NNP 6 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 7 started VBN <af=start,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 8 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 AD NNP <af=ad,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 1632 CD 11 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 12 completed VBN <af=complete,v,m,p,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 13 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 end NN <af=end,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 1648 CD 18 AD NN <af=ad,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="66"> 1 Amanat IN 2 Khan NNP <af=khan,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 Shirazi NNP 4 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 calligrapher NN <af=calligrapher,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 Taj NNP <af=taj,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Mahal NNP 10 , , 11 his PRP$ <af=his,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 12 name NN <af=name,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 occurs VBZ <af=occur,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 14 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 end NN <af=end,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 an DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 19 inscription NN <af=inscription,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 21 one CD <af=one,det,m,s,3,0,,> 22 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 24 gates NNS <af=gate,n,m,p,3,0,,> 25 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 26 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 27 Taj NNP <af=taj,n,m,s,3,0,,> 28 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="67"> 1 During IN <af=during,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 3 Urs NNP 4 fair NN <af=fair,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 , , 6 folk NN <af=folk,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 artisans NNPS <af=artisan,n,m,p,3,0,,> 8 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 9 craftsmen NNS <af=craftsman,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 display VBP <af=display,v,m,p,3,0,,> 11 their PRP$ <af=their,det,m,p,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 12 talent NN <af=talent,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 14 offer VB <af=offer,v,m,s,3,0,,> 15 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 tempting JJ <af=tempting,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 range NN <af=range,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 19 intriguing JJ <af=intrigue,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 20 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 colorful JJ <af=colorful,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 22 items NNS <af=item,n,m,p,3,0,,> 23 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 24 competitive JJ <af=competitive,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 25 prices NNS <af=price,n,m,p,3,0,,> 26 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="68"> 1 Ajmer NNP 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 centre NNP <af=center,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 culture NN <af=culture,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 education NN <af=education,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 , , 10 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 British NNP 12 chose VBD <af=choose,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 13 it PRP <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='NOM'> 14 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 16 prestigious JJ <af=prestigious,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 17 Mayo NNP 18 College NNP <af=college,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 20 school NN <af=school,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 exclusively RB <af=exclusively,D,m,s,3,0,,> 22 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 Indian JJ 24 nobility NN <af=nobility,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="69"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Pushkar NNP 3 Lake NNP <af=lake,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 sacred JJ <af=sacred,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 spot NN <af=spot,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Hindus NN 10 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="70"> 1 Places NNPS <af=place,n,m,p,3,0,,> 2 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 See VB <af=see,v,m,s,3,0,,> 4 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Ajmer NN 6 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 foot NN <af=foot,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 barren JJ <af=barren,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 12 hill NN <af=hill,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 , , 14 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 15 situated VBN <af=situated,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 India's POS 17 most JJS <af=most,D,m,s,3,0,,> 18 important JJ <af=important,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 19 Pilgrimage NN <af=pilgrimage,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 centre NNP <af=center,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 22 people NNS <af=people,n,m,p,3,0,,> 23 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 24 all DT <af=all,det,m,s,3,0,,> 25 faith NN <af=faith,n,m,s,3,0,,> 26 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="71"> 1 A DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 remarkable JJ <af=remarkable,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 structure NN <af=structure,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 , , 5 this DT <af=this,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 7 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 masterpiece NN <af=masterpiece,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 indo NNP 11 Islamic NNP 12 architecture NN <af=architecture,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 located VBN <af=locate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 14 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 outskirts NNS <af=outskirts,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 19 Ajmer JJ 20 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="72"> 1 Entertainment NNP <af=entertainment,n,m,s,3,0,,> 2 facilities NNS <af=facility,n,m,p,3,0,,> 3 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Vijaya NNP 6 beach NN <af=beach,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 park NN <af=park,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 add VB <af=add,v,m,s,3,0,,> 9 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 attractions NNS <af=attraction,n,m,p,3,0,,> 12 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 beach NN <af=beach,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="73"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 ancient JJ <af=ancient,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 shrine NN <af=shrine,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 an DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 internationally RB <af=internationally,D,m,s,3,0,,> 7 renowned JJ <af=renowned,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 pilgrim NNP <af=pilgrim,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 centre NNP <af=center,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 dedicated VBD <af=dedicate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 11 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 Serpent NN <af=serpent,n,m,s,3,0,,> 14 God NNP <af=god,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 Nagaraja NNP 16 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="74"> 1 It PRP <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='NOM'> 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 believed VBN <af=believe,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 4 that IN <af=that,Comp,m,s,3,0,,> 5 prayers NNS <af=prayer,n,m,p,3,0,,> 6 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 offerings NNS <af=offering,n,m,p,3,0,,> 8 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 this DT <af=this,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 church NN <af=church,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 help NN <af=help,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 heal VB <af=heal,v,m,s,3,0,,> 14 all DT <af=all,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 mental JJ <af=mental,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 disorders NNS <af=disorder,n,m,p,3,0,,> 17 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 other JJ <af=other,D,m,s,3,0,,> 19 ailments NNS <af=ailment,n,m,p,3,0,,> 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="75"> 1 As IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 per IN <af=per,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 writing NN <af=writing,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Padam NNP 6 Puran JJ 7 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 sun NN <af=sun,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 11 amongst IN <af=amongst,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 moon NN <af=moon,n,m,s,3,0,,> 14 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 moon NN <af=moon,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 amongst IN <af=amongst,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 19 stars NNS <af=star,n,m,p,3,0,,> 20 , , 21 likewise RB <af=likewise,D,m,s,3,0,,> 22 Prayag NN 23 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 24 best RB <af=best,D,m,s,3,0,,> 25 amongst IN <af=amongst,p,m,s,3,0,,> 26 all DT <af=all,det,m,s,3,0,,> 27 places NNS <af=place,n,m,p,3,0,,> 28 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 29 pilgrimage NN <af=pilgrimage,n,m,s,3,0,,> 30 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="76"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Present JJ <af=present,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 Jhunsi NNP 4 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 very JJ <af=very,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 close NN <af=close,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 sangam NNP 10 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 kingdom NN <af=kingdom,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 Chandrabanshiya NNP 15 (lunar NNP 16 clan) -RRB- 17 king NN <af=kingbolt,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 Pururava NNP 19 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="77"> 1 A DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 fabulous JJ <af=fabulous,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 Sita NNP 4 Ram NNP <af=ram,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Temple NNP <af=temple,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 palace NN <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 attracts VBZ <af=attract,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 10 number NN <af=number,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 devotees NNS <af=devotee,n,m,p,3,0,,> 13 , , 14 especially RB <af=especially,D,m,s,3,0,,> 15 during IN <af=during,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 Ramnavami NNP 17 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="78"> 1 Water NNP <af=water,n,m,s,3,0,,> 2 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 canals NNS <af=canal,n,m,p,3,0,,> 5 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 6 drawn VBN <af=draw,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 7 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 river NN <af=river,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 using VBG <af=use,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 11 purrs VBZ <af=purr,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 12 , , 13 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 14 system NN <af=system,n,m,s,3,0,,> 15 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 drawing NN <af=drawing,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 water NN <af=water,n,m,s,3,0,,> 18 manually RB <af=manually,D,m,s,3,0,,> 19 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 20 river NN <af=river,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 using VBG <af=use,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 22 bucket NN <af=bucket,n,m,s,3,0,,> 23 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 24 ropes NNS <af=rope,n,m,p,3,0,,> 25 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="79"> 1 At IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 3 centre NNP <af=center,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 garden NN <af=garden,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 , , 8 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 mid NN <af=mid,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 12 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 tomb NN <af=tomb,n,m,s,3,0,,> 14 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 gateway NN <af=gateway,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 , , 18 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 19 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 20 raised VBN <af=raise,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 21 marble NN <af=marble,n,m,s,3,0,,> 22 lotus NNP <af=lotus,n,m,s,3,0,,> 23 shaped JJ <af=shape,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 24 tank NN <af=tank,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 26 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 27 cusped VBN <af=cuspate,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 28 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 29 trefoil NN <af=trefoil,n,m,s,3,0,,> 30 border NN <af=border,n,m,s,3,0,,> 31 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="80"> 1 In IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Manglooor NN 3 you PRP <af=you,P,m,s,2,0,,/case='NOM'> 4 may MD <af=may,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 visit VB <af=visit,v,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 tile NN <af=tile,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 , , 9 boat NN <af=boat,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 making NN <af=making,n,m,s,3,0,,> 11 , , 12 coffee NN <af=coffee,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 curing VBG <af=cure,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 14 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 cashewnut NN 16 factories NNS <af=factory,n,m,p,3,0,,> 17 , , 18 St. NNP 19 Aloysius NNP 20 Chapel NNP <af=chapel,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 22 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 23 100 CD 24 years NNS <af=year,n,m,p,3,0,,> 25 old JJ <af=old,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 26 paintings NNS <af=painting,n,m,p,3,0,,> 27 , , 28 Shrimati NNP 29 Bai NNP 30 Memorial NNP <af=memorial,n,m,s,3,0,,> 31 Museum NNP <af=museum,n,m,s,3,0,,> 32 , , 33 Beedi NNP 34 Factory NN <af=factory,n,m,s,3,0,,> 35 , , 36 Jain JJ 37 Temples NNS <af=temple,n,m,p,3,0,,> 38 , , 39 Fort NNP <af=fort,n,m,s,3,0,,> 40 , , 41 Saib NNP 42 Mosque NNP <af=mosque,n,m,s,3,0,,> 43 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 44 Music NNP <af=music,n,m,s,3,0,,> 45 Gallery NNP <af=gallery,n,m,s,3,0,,> 46 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="81"> 1 Bangalore NN 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 directly RB <af=directly,D,m,s,3,0,,> 4 connected VBN <af=connect,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 5 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 rail NN <af=rail,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 Ahmedabad NNP 9 , , 10 Mumbai NNP 11 , , 12 Calcutta NNP 13 , , 14 Cochin NN 15 , , 16 Delhi NNP 17 , , 18 Guwahati NNP 19 , , 20 Howarah NNP 21 , , 22 Hyderabad NNP 23 , , 24 Mangalore NN 25 , , 26 Chennai NNP 27 , , 28 Mysore JJ 29 , , 30 Nagpur NNP 31 , , 32 Tiruvananthapuram NN 33 , , 34 Vasco-da-Gama NNP 35 (Goa) -RRB- 36 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 37 other JJ <af=other,D,m,s,3,0,,> 38 cities NNS <af=city,n,m,p,3,0,,> 39 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 40 India NNP 41 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="82"> 1 Spread NN <af=spread,n,m,s,3,0,,> 2 over IN <af=over,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 an DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 area NN <af=area,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 2190 CD 7 square JJ <af=square,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 kilometers NNS <af=kilometre,n,m,p,3,0,,> 9 , , 10 Bangalore NN 11 enjoys VBZ <af=enjoy,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 12 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 pleasant JJ <af=pleasant,adj,m,p,3,0,,> 14 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 equable JJ <af=equable,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 climate NN <af=climate,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 throughout IN <af=throughout,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 19 year NN <af=year,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="83"> 1 Lal NNP 2 Bagh NNP <af=bagh,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 also RB <af=also,D,m,s,3,0,,> 4 houses VBZ <af=house,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 6 offices NNS <af=office,n,m,p,3,0,,> 7 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Karnataka NNP 10 Horticultural NNP <af=horticultural,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 Society NNP <af=society,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 that IN <af=that,Comp,m,s,3,0,,> 13 renders NNS <af=render,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 free JJ <af=free,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 advice NN <af=advice,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 those DT <af=those,det,m,s,3,0,,> 18 interested JJ <af=interested,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 19 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 20 flowers NNS <af=flower,n,m,p,3,0,,> 21 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 22 gardens NNS <af=garden,n,m,p,3,0,,> 23 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="84"> 1 The IN <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 illuminated IN <af=illuminate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 3 "fairy IN 4 fountain" NN 5 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 elegant JJ <af=elegant,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 graeco NNP 9 - : 10 colonial JJ <af=colonial,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 style NN <af=style,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 buildings NNS <af=building,n,m,p,3,0,,> 13 add VBP <af=add,v,m,s,3,0,,> 14 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 16 beauty NN <af=beauty,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 Cubbon JJ 19 park NN <af=park,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="85"> 1 Constructed VBN <af=construct,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 2 largely RB <af=largely,D,m,s,3,0,,> 3 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 wood NN <af=wood,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 , , 6 Tipu's VBZ 7 Palace NNP <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 9 known VBN <af=know,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 10 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 12 five CD <af=five,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 elaborately RB <af=elaborately,D,m,s,3,0,,> 14 decorated VBN <af=decorate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 15 arches NNS <af=arch,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 16 surmounted VBD <af=surmount,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 17 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 exquisite JJ <af=exquisite,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 19 minarets NNS <af=minaret,n,m,p,3,0,,> 20 , , 21 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 22 paintings NNS <af=painting,n,m,p,3,0,,> 23 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 24 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 25 walls NNS <af=wall,n,m,p,3,0,,> 26 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 27 ceilings NNS <af=ceiling,n,m,p,3,0,,> 28 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="86"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Chinese JJ 3 fishing NN <af=fishing,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 nets NNS <af=net,n,m,p,3,0,,> 5 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 6 huge JJ <af=huge,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 cantilevered VBN <af=cantilever,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 8 fishing NN <af=fishing,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 nets NNS <af=net,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 along IN <af=along,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 backwaters NNS <af=backwater,n,m,p,3,0,,> 13 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 legacy NN <af=legacy,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 17 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 18 traders NNS <af=trader,n,m,p,3,0,,> 19 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 20 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 21 court NN <af=court,n,m,s,3,0,,> 22 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 Kublai NNP 24 Khan NNP <af=khan,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="87"> 1 Besides IN <af=besides,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 3 sea NN <af=sea,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 , , 5 sand NN <af=sand,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 7 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 sun NN <af=sun,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 , , 10 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 11 typical JJ <af=typical,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 12 Kerala NN 13 village NN <af=village,n,m,s,3,0,,> 14 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 paddy NNP <af=paddy,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 fields NNS <af=fjeld,n,m,p,3,0,,> 17 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 coconut NNP <af=coconut,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 groves VBZ <af=grove,n,m,p,3,0,,> 20 nearby RB <af=nearby,D,m,s,3,0,,> 21 completes VBZ <af=complete,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 22 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 23 idyllic JJ <af=idyllic,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 24 picture NN <af=picture,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 that IN <af=that,Comp,m,s,3,0,,> 26 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 27 beach NN <af=beach,n,m,s,3,0,,> 28 paints NNS <af=paint,n,m,p,3,0,,> 29 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="88"> 1 There EX <af=there,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 2 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 3 two CD <af=two,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 temples NNS <af=temple,n,m,p,3,0,,> 5 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 either DT <af=either,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 side NN <af=side,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 main JJ <af=main,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 palace NN <af=palace,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 , , 13 dedicated VBN <af=dedicate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 14 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 Lord NNP <af=lord,n,m,s,3,0,,> 16 Krishna NNP 17 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 Lord NNP <af=lord,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 Shiva NNP 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="89"> 1 St. NNP 2 George NNP 3 Forane NNP 4 Church NNP <af=church,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 , , 6 considered VBN <af=consider,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 7 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 be VB <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,> 9 one CD <af=one,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 oldest JJS <af=old,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='SUPER'> 13 churches NNS <af=church,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 Kerala NNP 16 , , 17 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 18 built VBN <af=build,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 19 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 20 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 21 plot NN <af=plot,n,m,s,3,0,,> 22 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 land NN <af=land,n,m,s,3,0,,> 24 donated VBN <af=donate,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 25 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 26 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 27 Raja NN <af=rajah,n,m,s,3,0,,> 28 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 29 Edapally RB 30 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="90"> 1 On IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 2 your PRP$ <af=your,det,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 3 tour NN <af=tour,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Periyar NNP 6 you PRP <af=you,P,m,s,2,0,,/case='NOM'> 7 can MD <af=can,v,m,s,3,0,,> 8 see VB <af=see,v,m,s,3,0,,> 9 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 rich JJ <af=rich,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 bird NN <af=bird,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 life NN <af=life,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 including VBG <af=include,v,m,s,3,0,,/aspect='PROG'> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 Giant JJ <af=giant,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 Hornbill NN <af=hornbill,n,m,s,3,0,,> 17 , , 18 Cormorant NN <af=cormorant,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 , , 20 Darter NN <af=darter,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 , , 22 Osprey NNP <af=osprey,n,m,s,3,0,,> 23 , , 24 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 25 Racket-tailed VBN <af=racket,v,m,s,3,0,,> 26 Drongo NNP <af=drongo,n,m,s,3,0,,> 27 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="91"> 1 Kovalam NNP 2 Beach NNP <af=beach,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 4 designed VBN <af=design,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 5 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 6 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 7 English JJ 8 Gothic JJ 9 Style NN <af=style,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 , , 11 was VBD <af=be,v,m,s,1,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 12 built VBN <af=build,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 13 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 1878 CD 15 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="92"> 1 The DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 opening NN <af=opening,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 hours NNS <af=hours,n,m,p,3,0,,> 4 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Kanha NNP 6 National NNP <af=national,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 Park NNP <af=park,n,m,s,3,0,,> 8 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 9 scheduled VBN <af=schedule,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 10 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 accord VB <af=accord,v,m,s,3,0,,> 12 roughly RB <af=roughly,D,m,s,3,0,,> 13 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 14 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 15 seasonal JJ <af=seasonal,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 variations NNS <af=variation,n,m,p,3,0,,> 17 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 climate NN <af=climate,n,m,s,3,0,,> 19 , , 20 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 21 well RB <af=well,D,m,s,3,0,,> 22 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 24 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 25 length NN <af=length,n,m,s,3,0,,> 26 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 27 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 28 day NN <af=day,n,m,s,3,0,,> 29 at IN <af=at,p,m,s,3,0,,> 30 different JJ <af=different,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 31 seasons NNS <af=season,n,m,p,3,0,,> 32 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="93"> 1 Khimsar NNP 2 experiences VBZ <af=experience,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 extreme JJ <af=extreme,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 4 climatic JJ <af=climatic,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 5 conditions NNS <af=condition,n,m,p,3,0,,> 6 with IN <af=with,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 very RB <af=very,D,m,s,3,0,,> 8 hot JJ <af=hot,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 9 summers NNS <af=summer,n,m,p,3,0,,> 10 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 cold JJ <af=cold,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 12 winters NNS <af=winter,n,m,p,3,0,,> 13 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="94"> 1 Aurangabad NNP 2 seems VBZ <af=seem,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 4 have VB <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,> 5 more JJR <af=more,adj,m,s,3,0,,/degree='COMP'> 6 than IN <af=than,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 8 share NN <af=share,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 secondary JJ <af=secondary,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 11 monuments NNS <af=monument,n,m,p,3,0,,> 12 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 13 sights NNS <af=sight,n,m,p,3,0,,> 14 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="95"> 1 An DT <af=an,det,m,s,3,0,,> 2 ancient JJ <af=ancient,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 3 town NN <af=town,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 that WDT <af=that,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 lies VBZ <af=lie,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 6 56 CD 7 km NN 8 south NN <af=south,n,m,s,3,0,,> 9 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Aurangabad NNP 11 , , 12 Paithan NNP 13 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 14 renowned VBN <af=renowned,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 16 its PRP$ <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='GEN'> 17 famous JJ <af=famous,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 18 Paithani JJ 19 silk NN <af=silk,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 saris NNP <af=sari,n,m,p,3,0,,> 21 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="96"> 1 Temples NNS <af=temple,n,m,p,3,0,,> 2 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 3 Bhubaneshwar NN 4 are VBP <af=be,v,m,p,3,0,,> 5 built VBN <af=build,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 6 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 a DT <af=a,det,m,s,3,0,,> 8 common JJ <af=common,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 9 plan NN <af=plan,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 as IN <af=as,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 prescribed VBN <af=prescribe,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 12 by IN <af=by,p,m,s,3,0,,> 13 Hindu NNP 14 norms NNS <af=norm,n,m,p,3,0,,> 15 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 it PRP <af=it,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='NOM'> 17 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 18 believed VBN <af=believe,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 19 that IN <af=that,Comp,m,s,3,0,,> 20 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 21 beauty NN <af=beauty,n,m,s,3,0,,> 22 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 23 this DT <af=this,det,m,s,3,0,,> 24 place NN <af=place,n,m,s,3,0,,> 25 inspired VBD <af=inspire,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='WK'> 26 Rabindranath NNP 27 Tagore NNP 28 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 29 write VB <af=write,v,m,s,3,0,,> 30 poetry NN <af=poetry,n,m,s,3,0,,> 31 in IN <af=in,p,m,s,3,0,,> 32 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 33 praise NN <af=praise,n,m,s,3,0,,> 34 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 35 Bhubaneshwar NN 36 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="97"> 1 Puri NNP <af=puree,n,m,s,3,0,,> 2 has VBZ <af=have,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 direct JJ <af=direct,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 4 train NN <af=train,n,m,s,3,0,,> 5 service NN <af=service,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 8 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 9 Calcutta NNP 10 , , 11 New NNP <af=new,n,m,s,3,0,,> 12 Delhi NNP 13 , , 14 Ahmedabad NNP 15 , , 16 Vishakhapatnam NNP 17 , , 18 Vijayawada NNP 19 , , 20 and CC <af=and,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 21 Tirupati NNP 22 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="98"> 1 Kancheepuram NN 2 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 3 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 4 golden JJ <af=golden,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 5 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 6 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 7 temples NNS <af=temple,n,m,p,3,0,,> 8 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 9 one CD <af=one,det,m,s,3,0,,> 10 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 seven CD <af=seven,det,m,s,3,0,,> 13 most RBS <af=most,D,m,s,3,0,,> 14 famous JJ <af=famous,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 15 holy JJ <af=holy,adj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 cities NNS <af=city,n,m,p,3,0,,> 17 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 18 Hindu NNP 19 mythology NN <af=mythology,n,m,s,3,0,,> 20 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="99"> 1 Kaziranga NNP 2 National NNP <af=national,n,m,s,3,0,,> 3 Park NNP <af=park,n,m,s,3,0,,> 4 is VBZ <af=be,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PRES'> 5 best RB <af=best,D,m,s,3,0,,> 6 known VBN <af=know,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PPART'/v_form='STR'> 7 for IN <af=for,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 one-horned VBN <af=one,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 Rhinoceros NNS <af=rhinoceros,n,m,p,3,0,,> 11 . . </Sentence> </p> <p> <Sentence id="100"> 1 Mahatma NNP <af=mahatma,n,m,s,3,0,,> 2 Gandhi NNP 3 built VBD <af=build,v,m,s,3,0,,/tense='PAST'/v_form='STR'> 4 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 5 Sabarmati NNP 6 Ashram NN <af=ashram,n,m,s,3,0,,> 7 on IN <af=on,p,m,s,3,0,,> 8 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 9 outskirts NNS <af=outskirts,n,m,s,3,0,,> 10 of IN <af=of,p,m,s,3,0,,> 11 the DT <af=the,det,m,s,3,0,,> 12 city NN <af=city,n,m,s,3,0,,> 13 , , 14 from IN <af=from,p,m,s,3,0,,> 15 where WRB <af=where,Conj,m,s,3,0,,> 16 he PRP <af=he,P,m,s,3,0,,/case='NOM'> 17 guided VBN 18 India NNP 19 to TO <af=to,p,m,s,3,0,,> 20 freedom NN <af=freedom,n,m,s,3,0,,> 21 . . </Sentence> </p> </body> </document>